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Athlete of the Month for October 2018

The Industrial Athletics Athlete of the Month for October 2018 has been with us since March 2018.  He and his friends started together and they are still with us today.  He shows up to our social functions, always has a smile on his face, and is welcoming to new members and drop ins.  He continues to give 100% in each workout and has shown progress in gymnastics, lifting, and cardio.  The Athlete of the Month for October 2018 is:


1. Where are you from originally?

Irwin, PA (half an hour south-east of the city).

2. If not from Pittsburgh, what brought you to Pittsburgh?

I went to Pitt, got a job here, and have not wanted to leave yet!

3. Where do you work?

The Gateway Engineers, a local Civil Engineering consulting firm.

4. What is your favorite hobby?

 …besides crossfit?  I tend to a lush and vibrant community of houseplants, and I read a lot of manga/comics.

5. How did you discover CrossFit?

Tonilynn, Cristian, Kevin and I were talking about joining a gym together, and IA was central to all of us and very close to Toni’s work (so she couldnt make excuses not to go), so we decided to give it a try.

6. When did you start CrossFit?

March 2018

7. Why did you start CrossFit?

I’ve never been excited about or able to commit to a regular gym, and the community and structured programming of CrossFit seemed like a great way to kick my ass into shape.

8. What is your favorite thing to do in CrossFit?

Anything involving a barbell.

9. What is your least favorite thing to do in CrossFit?

Wall Balls, I’m very stereotypically bad at throwing a ball in any capacity.

10. What is the number 1 thing you want to get better at?

Double Unders, they are in so many wods!

11. What is your favorite part about coming to CrossFit at Industrial Athletics?

Coach Jen is a national treasure.

12. What is your favorite CrossFit WOD?

The Bear Complex. It was one of the first WOD’s that left me very happily exhausted.