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CrossFit WOD for 7/30/2013

As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes:

5 Handstand Pushups
7 Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Alternating One Arm Kettle Bell Snatches (1.5/1)

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above. Handstands are head to floor and done without a kip.

    AMRAP 20 Min
    3 Handstand Pushups (may be kipping)(may be to an elevated target)
    5 Chest to Bar Pullups
    8 Alternating One Arm Kettle Bell Snatches (1.5/1)

    AMRAP 20 Min
    5 Handstand Pushup Progression
    7 Regular Pullups (scale to band that is harder than you usually use)
    10 Alternating One Arm Kettle Bell Snatches (1/0.5)

    AMRAP 20 Min
    5 Hand Release Pushups (Scale to box, not knees)
    7 Pullups using regular band (ring rows)
    10 Alternating One Arm Kettle Bell Snatches (1/0.5)

  • JoeD says:

    Big crowd at 6 am!

    11 rounds: Did Platinum reps but with a big asterik — I used the 1 pood kettlebell, but handstand push-ups (5 reps) and chest-to-bar pull-ups (7 reps) were all done strict.

    Nice job, Brandon, on going platinum! Welcome back to the Box for your second visit!

    Tone WOD: Impressive going 2.0 pood! Jake: Great form on you handstand push-ups & chest-to-bar pull-ups!

    400 meter row for time: 1:42 (tough cash-out since legs were shot)

  • Jake says:

    Enjoyed the crowd as well at 6 am! Well done today Joe all around!

    Steel: 10 rounds plus 8 reps (did strict handstand push-ups) – Really feeling the upper body!

  • DianeD says:

    Below Bronze but I showed up and did the work. That’s the most I can ask for right now.

  • Crimlaw says:

    11 Rounds plus 5, I think, at Platinum. Tore my hand on round 4 doing chest to bar butterflies. Not happy.

  • moneypenny says:

    9 + 8

    I’m now sporting fantastic bruises on both forearms. Thank you, kettlebell.