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Running and STO for 10/18/2018

By October 17, 2018One Comment

IndustrialAthletics – CrossFit

After some pistol practice today, we will burn out the legs with running and shoulder to overhead. Pick a weight that is a challenge for 10 reps. The weight should be between 75 and 85% of your max shoulder to overhead weight. Another way of looking at it, it should be heavy for sets of 5.

Pistol Practice

EMOM 6 Min:
6 Pistols (pause for 2 seconds of the bottom of the squat)

Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds for Time:
Run 400m
10 STO (185/125)

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above

    4 Rounds for Time:
    Run 400m
    10 STO (155-135/105-95)

    2 Rounds
    Run 400m
    10 STO (115-95/75-65)
    2 Rounds
    Blgd Run
    10 STO

    4 Rounds for Time:
    Lot Sprint
    10 STO (75-55/55-35)